Adolescent Counseling

Child and adolescent counseling provides deep insight into your child’s mental health and social/emotional development. We recognize, identify, assess, diagnose, and treat a wide range of mental health conditions, adjustment issues (divorce, new school, bullying, grief, etc.), and psychological distress.

More specifically, counselors can work with children and adolescents to help them make sense of what is going on in their minds, bodies, and lives, in a way they can understand.  Talking to a counselor can be beneficial for coping with these changes and dealing with confusing situations and feelings.

Counseling allows children and adolescents to:

  • Explore and express their feelings through their preferred mode, such as talking, story-telling,  play, artwork, or drama

  • Gain knowledge about and work through their emotions

  • Recover effectively  in cases of abuse

  • Break down problems into manageable parts

  • Make better choices for positive outcomes

  • Improve self-esteem and self-worth

  • Develop social skills

  • Identify behavioral concerns

  • Work through grief caused by divorce, death, moving or other causes

  • Identify challenges and develop skills and tools to address them

  • Feel assured they have support to overcome the problem, which also gives them a voice to speak

Treatment approach most likely will include:

  • Behavioral Therapy: parents and children learn to promote desirable behaviors and reduce unwanted behaviors

  • Parent counseling: because a life of a child or a teen is intensely linked with the parents


Individual Therapy


Family Therapy