Individual Therapy

Individual therapy provides individuals the opportunity to confidently talk through problems or situations with a trained professional that has an unbiased opinion.  It is effective treatment for many types of mental, emotional, and behavioral issues.  It can also help people who are facing difficult life situations or would like to develop healthier, more functional personal habits.

Individual counseling is a great option if you are looking for help to alleviate symptoms, explore your personality, or need help coping with the things happening in your life. 

Common reasons people seek counseling include:

Anxiety and Stress Management

  • Worry all the time

  • Easily feel overwhelmed

  • Racing thoughts; can’t “turn your brain off”

  • Overly nervous or anxious in social situations

  • Experience panic attacks, racing heart, sweating, rapid breathing, shakiness

  • Have a phobia


  • Feel sad most of the time

  • Find yourself crying

  • Issues with sleep

  • Feel numb

  • Lost interest in things you normally enjoy

  • Thoughts about death, dying, or have considered suicide

  • Relationship and Intimacy issues

  • Need help with communication

  • Considering divorce or separation

  • Differing views from your partner on raising our children and our parenting style

  • No longer feel close to your partner

  • Physical intimacy or sexual issues

  • Domestic violence

Anger Management

  • Losing your temper

  • Risky behaviors such as fighting and road rage

  • Hit things when you are angry

  • Fantasize about bad things happening to others

  • People are scared of you

  • Workplace stress

  • Dread going into work

  • Spend time venting after work

  • Symptoms of anxiety while at work

  • Feel overwhelmed by expectations at work

  • Drama with co-workers

  • Hate your boss

Mental Health and Addiction

  • Have a dual-diagnosis or co-occurring disorder

  • Mental health impacts your addiction

  • Relapsed because depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder symptoms were not under control

  • Need help maintaining your recovery when you have a mental health problem and you are an addict


  • Use alcohol/drugs and it negatively impacts your life

  • Can’t stop using

  • Afraid to go into withdrawal or you need detox

  • Have legal issues due to your use

  • Family and friends are concerned about your use

Bipolar Disorder

  • Engage in risky behavior (sex, gambling, excessive spending, shoplifting, etc.)

  • Experience highs (hypomania or mania) and lows (depression)

  • Need help with medication or medication management

  • Severe symptoms of depression (suicidal thoughts, inability to care for yourself)

Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders

  • Have a diagnosis of schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, or a delusional disorder

  • Need help managing your symptoms

  • Struggle with hallucinations or delusions (seeing things and hearing things that are not there)

  • Paranoia, magical thinking, suicidal thoughts, homicidal thoughts

  • Disorganized speech

Chronic Pain

  • Every day is a struggle to get through

  • Feel depressed because of your physical pain

  • Feel isolated because it is difficult to get out

  • No one understands what it is like to be in pain everyday

  • Feel overwhelmed by managing everything

  • People question if your pain is real


Adolescent Counseling